Say! 머니곰/IT

Cloudfoundry에 Spring music 배포하기

moneygom 2016. 9. 4. 22:36

Pivotal의 Scott Frederick 이 Cloudfoundry에 배포해 볼 수 있는 코드를 git으로 공유하고 있다. 

여러 코드 중 Cloudfoudnry에 배포하기 위해 샘플 과제로 Spring-music 프로젝트를 주로 참고하고 있다.

spring-music은 다양한 data resources을 Spring Cloud을 활용하여 사용하는 방법을 보여준다.

아래 발췌한 내용은 git 에 올려진 spring-musci의 readme 내용이다.

git clone으로 가져온 후 manifest.yml 파일만 환경에 맞게 수정하여 배포하면 바로 확인해 볼 수 있다.

그러고 보니 소스코드를 이쁘게 보여주는 플러그인도 찾아봐야겠다.ㅎㅎ;

- name: spring-music
memory: 1G
random-route: true
path: build/libs/spring-music.jar

기본 소스 코드를 보면 특별히 수정할 내용은 없고 gradle로 구성된 환경이기 때문에 gradle 로 빌드를 실행하여 manifest.yml에 있는 spring-music.jar를 배포하면 된다.

샘플로 올려본 spring-music의 주소는 devpack에 배포하였다.

주소 :

아래와 같이 redis 서비스를 추가하여 배포하였다.

- name: spring-music
memory: 1G
random-route: true
path: build/libs/spring-music.jar
- redis-hs

원문 :

Spring Music

This is a sample application for using database services on Cloud Foundry with the Spring Framework and Spring Boot.

This application has been built to store the same domain objects in one of a variety of different persistence technologies - relational, document, and key-value stores. This is not meant to represent a realistic use case for these technologies, since you would typically choose the one most applicable to the type of data you need to store, but it is useful for testing and experimenting with different types of services on Cloud Foundry.

The application use Spring Java configuration and bean profiles to configure the application and the connection objects needed to use the persistence stores. It also uses the Spring Cloud Connectors library to inspect the environment when running on Cloud Foundry. See the Cloud Foundry documentation for details on configuring a Spring application for Cloud Foundry.

Running the application locally

One Spring bean profile should be activated to choose the database provider that the application should use. The profile is selected by setting the system property when starting the app.

The application can be started locally using the following command:

$ ./gradlew assemble
$ java -jar<profile> build/libs/spring-music.jar

where <profile> is one of the following values:

  • in-memory (no external database required)
  • mysql
  • postgres
  • mongodb
  • redis

If no profile is provided, in-memory will be used. If any other profile is provided, the appropriate database server must be started separately. The application will use the host name localhost and the default port to connect to the database. The connection parameters can be configured by setting the appropriate Spring Boot properties.

If more than one of these profiles is provided, the application will throw an exception and fail to start.

Running the application on Cloud Foundry

When running on Cloud Foundry, the application will detect the type of database service bound to the application (if any). If a service of one of the supported types (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, MongoDB, or Redis) is bound to the app, the appropriate Spring profile will be configured to use the database service. The connection strings and credentials needed to use the service will be extracted from the Cloud Foundry environment.

If no bound services are found containing any of these values in the name, then the in-memory profile will be used.

If more than one service containing any of these values is bound to the application, the application will throw an exception and fail to start.

After installing the 'cf' command-line interface for Cloud Foundry, targeting a Cloud Foundry instance, and logging in, the application can be built and pushed using these commands:

$ ./gradlew assemble
$ cf push

The application will be pushed using settings in the provided manifest.yml file. The output from the command will show the URL that has been assigned to the application.

Creating and binding services

Using the provided manifest, the application will be created without an external database (in the in-memory profile). You can create and bind database services to the application using the information below.

System-managed services

Depending on the Cloud Foundry service provider, persistence services might be offered and managed by the platform. These steps can be used to create and bind a service that is managed by the platform:

# view the services available
$ cf marketplace
# create a service instance
$ cf create-service <service> <service plan> <service name>
# bind the service instance to the application
$ cf bind-service <app name> <service name>
# restart the application so the new service is detected
$ cf restart

User-provided services

Cloud Foundry also allows service connection information and credentials to be provided by a user. In order for the application to detect and connect to a user-provided service, a single uri field should be given in the credentials using the form <dbtype>://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<databasename>.

These steps use examples for username, password, host name, and database name that should be replaced with real values.

# create a user-provided Oracle database service instance
$ cf create-user-provided-service oracle-db -p '{"uri":"oracle://"}'
# create a user-provided MySQL database service instance
$ cf create-user-provided-service mysql-db -p '{"uri":"mysql://"}'
# bind a service instance to the application
$ cf bind-service <app name> <service name>
# restart the application so the new service is detected
$ cf restart

Changing bound services

To test the application with different services, you can simply stop the app, unbind a service, bind a different database service, and start the app:

$ cf unbind-service <app name> <service name>
$ cf bind-service <app name> <service name>
$ cf restart

Database drivers

Database drivers for MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, and Redis are included in the project. To connect to an Oracle database, you will need to download the appropriate driver (e.g. from, add the driver .jar file to the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib directory in the project, and re-build the application .war file using ./gradlew assemble.


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